How does Benjamin Button (yes, the movie) relate to science?
The producers of the movie wanted to capture the lifetime of Benjamin Button. However, they also wanted to capture the same essence and character of Benjamin Button, or Brad Pitt, throughout different ages. During the production, the production crew went through a very long process finding a way to make Brad Pitt look old, using technology. They needed to generate a head via computer. To do this, they went through the scientific method, and eventually reached their goal.
First they came up with a few solutions, or, a few hypothesizes, and they tested them. They tried to use the usual pin pointed facial motion detectors to capture Brad Pitt's facial features and expressions. However, their hypothesis wasn't supported. They then had to move onto to a second solution.
The crew eventually landed on a very new technology that uses motion detecting cosmetics, which gave them extraordinary detail of the face and its expressions. This time, they realized this hypothesis might be support in the end and help them in producing the movie. They went further in this hypothesis, performing the "procedure" part of the scientific method. They kept a large database of all of Brad Pitt's expressions, using them to create the older version of him. Eventually succeeding to create a computer generated head of the 70-80 year old Benjamin Button.