Sunday, December 14, 2008

Taiwanese Teenager Ping Pong Player Wins a World Competition!

This article speaks about Jian-An Chen, a 17 years old Ping Pong player, winning a world-wide competition of teenage competitors. It is significant because Taiwan is a rather small country, and it is quite an accomplishment to win a competition WORLD WIDE! This event is most significant to the athletes of Taiwan, and those who pay extra attention. It gives them hope and anticipation to future developments in Taiwan's sports.

This article provides many facts, including quotes from Chen himself, and also his competition scores and the names of athletes who he played against. However, there are still some bias within the article. The article commented and claimed Jian-An Chen's victory to be the "biggest victory" in Taiwan's Teenage Ping Pong History. This could be a widely accepted opinion. 

Monday, November 24, 2008

DongMen Site Reflections

For Dance class, we worked on a few choreographs, and filmed them at the DongMen market site. Here are some of my reflections to the filming.
  • How did the site of DongMen alter the choreography that you created in the classroom?
We were told in the classroom that there were going to be clothing lines on the roof. He created cool ideas of draping clothes over the clothing line, and our dancers dancing in between the line with repeating "dead-looking" movements and gestures. We also planned to suggest the art class to film us with the camera going in between the clothes, making it look like a maze. However, there weren't any clothing lines on the roof, and we had to cut out that part of our choreography. 

  • Now that you know this site better; If you were to go back to Dongmen what would you add or subtract from your choreography to make it stronger?
I feel that the students don't really fit into the "old and dirty" mall, because we are all dressed in clean clothing. Of course, that would be okay if the role of the student was, a student. However, it would be great if students costumes fit into the setting better. 

I also thought that our movements were a bit too small for the wide and big rooftop. I would make movements bigger, if we were to film it over.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Energy Bar Project: FIRST TRIAL!!!!

It was our first time making and experimenting with our energy bar (energy balls) on Tuesday, November 11th. We were pretty successful with the making of the energy balls, and they tasted a lot better than we expected. We were able to observe the energy balls and decide on a lot of changes we could make.

We realized that they would look better with crushed almonds(very healthy) on the outside, and would taste even better with crispier granola filling. We were able to settle the procedure and steps of making the energy balls. 

Many things were made better and refined after our first experiment. However, it feels like we are still unsure about the effects of the "energy" from the energy bar. It was rather hard to try and observe whether or not we felt more energized after eating only one ball. Even though the research tells us the ingredients help, we have not yet proved that OUR energy balls actually had those effects.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

"Obama Elected President as Racial Barrier Falls" on The New York Times

This article on The New York Times talks about Obama's victory in the 44th presidential election of the United States. The article calls Obama's victory the last racial barrier in American politics. Many quotes from others are included to support and relate to the theme of the article. The majority of the opinion based statements in the article is within the quotes of other people such as McCain and Obama himself, making the article itself very fact-based and believable. However, it contains the bias of others who made the comments and reactions toward the election. 

The article is very significant considering its topic. Many people see this election as a turning point for the politics of United States. Almost everyone is talking about it, even in countries other than the United States itself. Almost everybody knows about this event. The 44th presidential election, with Obama winning, could be called a world-known headlines.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Current Event

This is an article about the decease of a  very well-known and successful business man: Yong Ching Wang (王永慶). His death was very significant is now very widely being talked about all over Taiwan. A great amount of people praised him during his glorious lifetime, and after his death, they continue to pay him their respect by visiting and praying at his tomb. The article names many great things that Yong Ching Wang has done for others. The article quotes the taiwanese olympic player who has won a first place medal saying that he couldn't have gotten it if there wasn't Yong Ching Wang, who made donations to the Taoyuan Sports College sports stadiums and tracks. The article claims many great things that Wang has done, and certainly claims his significance. However, the article could be called biased because the fact that it says nothing bad about Wang leaves us in doubt. 

Thursday, September 25, 2008

What Is the "Rule" for living things

My impression of life varies very broadly. At one extreme would be humans walking around on streets carrying gadgets of technology, and at the other would be microscopic plankton floating in the ocean. I believe in the "scientific" definitions that life must be consisted of one or more cells, and it must be able to grow and reproduce.


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

NOVA and thoughts afterwards

In physics class today we watched a movie called Nova. This movie introduces the scientific theories and concepts we humans have came up with on how the universe works. The movie introduces the concepts of newton, einstein, maxwell... etc... concepts of electromagnetism and gravity, the strong and weak nuclear force and how these all connect and work with one another. Basically, the film challenges a mind to imagine and understand science that is based on theory and idea.

Thinking about the concepts in the movie and trying to figure out which of these concepts I believed and didn't made me realize that I am a really scientifically based person. I love to imagine different ideas and concepts, but yet most of the time I choose not to believe them because of the lack of solid support that I can understand with my mathematic abilities. I feel like I can connect to other things about myself too. I am not religious, but the beauty of religion interests me. 

I realized that this is probably why I like science, there are so many possibilities and so many different ways to look at the world. However, I never choose a side. To me, choosing sides seem to limit so many ideas and thoughts... After watching this movie, I find myself an observer who appreciates, but not a believer who puts themselves as part of a concept.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Reflection for Physics Project

In class, we were given a ramp and a weighted cardboard box. We were told to study the action and the forces acting on the box as it slides down the ramp, especially the force of friction and the coefficients. It was fun and frustrating at the same time to try and figure out what we needed to know on our own for this project. Our group worked together nicely. I was always the one who refused to calculate anything for my dislike of math, and Gene was always more than willing to do so. It was nice having a group who were all willing to work hard and keep trying even if we had no idea what the heck we were facing.

The concepts and the forces were really fascinating, so fascinating that we eventually forgot that the whole point of the assignment was COEFFICIENTS OF FRICTION. That was a bummer 'cause it seemed to have cost us a lot of points. However, I believe we all enjoyed the assignment, even if it was filled with frustration and confusion from time to time. It paid off because now as I type sitting at my desk, I imagine gravity suddenly disappearing for an unknown reason and every single piece of junk falling and crashing, breaking through the wooden desk and onto the ground. Sound fun and exciting enough?

I liked how the assignment was organized so that we could work independently, but it still has a negative effect. This was not a major problem for our group but some groups didn't seem to be able to get the attention and help from the teacher all the time when they needed it. I think I learned alot because I could keep going on at my own pace this time. There's not much to ask for on my side, maybe just multiple Mr Loken's. :D

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Giver by Lois Lowry

For Language Art class we are studying dystopian stories and novels. The Giver is a dystopian novel by Lois Lowry, and it was the novel that we are currently studying and having fairly interesting discussions and arguments over. But before I talk about any of our analysis, I will introduce the plot and story of the book. So if you're planning on reading this book and hate it when people give away endings, stop reading this blog entry this moment. 

The story takes place in a "community" of about a few hundred people. Everything is perfect, and it would seem like an utopia if you didn't know better. In this community, no one knows of pain. Not war, not fear, not any emotions or feelings. However, while these unpleasant elements of life are hidden from the people, they also are not aware of happiness, love, or even the existence of color. The world in which the story takes place is organized with a set of rules. All language must be precise, and no lies are allowed. A family must share their feelings of the day at each dinner table  and share each dream at breakfast to make sure you have nothing hidden. Each individual owns the same amount of objects and property, given to you at specific ages of your life. children are assigned to family units and jobs are assigned to each individual when they become a "twelve". The same ribbons and hair styles, the same clothing, the same treatment... to make sure that everyone fits in. No one in this community is left different, no one is allowed to point out any differentness in another, to show respect and prevent uncomfortableness. The people are protected from any conflict and any unpleasant emotions: a world made of lies. 

Jonas is the main character of the novel. He is a child living in this community, around the age to receive an assignment and start specified training for his job in the rest of his life. At the ceremony, Jonas was assigned as the "Receiver". The receiver is the most respected of the community. It required wisdom and courage, but no one knew of his actual duty. The Receiver took training from the previous receiver, who is now referred to as the "Giver. During training, Jonas discovers that his assignment was to carry memories of the past, where mistakes and lies were allowed, and where people felt loneliness and love. Jonas discovers a whole new depth of feelings, from a cozy family christmas eve to a devastating war. Jonas was overwhelmed with complicated feelings and reactions, but he knew he wanted everyone else to feel what he can feel. He wanted his parents to love him, and he wanted his friends to see colors like he does. The Giver was inspired by Jonas's reactions, and decides that the truth must be revealed. They plan for Jonas's escape from the community to "Elsewhere". After Jonas leaves the community, all of the memories he carries will be given away and spread over the community. 

Lois Lowry leaves the ending ambiguous. Jonas leaves the community, his memories pulled away from him one by one. The author never stated whether Jonas survived his escape and reached Elsewhere, but personally I believe he did. There's no reason to believe that Jonas died on the way, and therefore I prefer to think positively. I have no actual evidence to support my opinion, I make this choice just on the way it made me feel. The tone of the ending was fairly optimistic. I believe that Jonas reached Elsewhere, and received new memories elsewhere. 

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Engagement Journal.. long time no see :D

What engagement grade do I deserve?

I think I would give myself a full 2 points for being a community contributor. During classes and independent learning periods, I answer my classmates' questions on classwork and homework. I think I am also a good partner to be with in group work assignments. When I am in a group working on an assignment, I always try my best and concentrate on the work at hand. I think this helps my teammates and is a way of contributing to the community.

As for a critical thinker and problem solver, I would give myself 1.5 points. I'm not confident to say that I can think critically, but when I face a problem in class, I always try to solve it no matter how hard it seemed. One good example was the ramp challenge that we did recently. I was really freaked out in the beginning, but then I challenged myself to think critically with out panicking or asking for a easier way.

I would be most confident in giving myself 2 points for being an active learner. I am very interested in physics. I constantly pay attention in class. Even at home, I talk to my dad about what we've learned, and he would tell me even more about it.

As an effective communicator I would give myself 2 points. When I wish to communicate something, I wouldn't hesitate. I'm not afraid of communicating and saying things in front of the class, and I believe that usually what I'm trying to say gets through to others.

As for being a person of high character, I would give myself a 2. I've never used the computer for reasons other than class in physics class, and I try my best to be on time for class. I am always attentive (being so interested in physics). I try before I give up, and one good example was the ramp challenge which I mentioned earlier.

Over ally I think I was pretty engaged in physics class this semester..

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Singapore Goodness

(sorry for the lateness of this entry)

Just gotta say, the trip was wonderful except for the part where I got sick. I have problems adapting to different climates.

It was the first time in my life I started to think that global warming wasn't too big of a problem.. Until I saw the traffic, which would've been just as bad as Taiwan if there were scooters. Singapore's trees were so green and so many they even seemed fake. We walked around downtown for the first day, amused by everything around us, especially the way people talked. We also were able to meet up with Claire, who moved to Singapore. 

Our first academic competition experience.. It was constant stress and constant brain work: from the second we started writing that essay eight in the morning till about eleven at night when we circled that last multiple choice question at the public quiz. We weren't the only stressed ones either. At lunches and dinners you'd see singaporean students in proper uniforms flipping through those resources for a last minute study. The competition lasted long. I was too tired to be surprised when they announced that we had won first place as a group for the essay section. But still, good jobs to Aled and Seaweed.. and thanks to Ms Gruber for being an awesome roommate! 


We need some meegorang in this country!!!
With pok!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Dinnertime with Dad

In our house, our family often engages into a very interesting topic at meal times. My dad and I share an interest that my mom doesn't seem to ever understand. We love physics. My dad would talk about some physics concepts, and answer my never ending questions. 

Every time I learn something new, I spend the rest of the week dazed just thinking about the movements happening around me. It's not just random colors I see anymore, what I see are light rays coming from the sun and bouncing into my eyes. Every now and then when I see a sunset, I can see way deeper than just beautiful colors.